Our Services

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety Disorder

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Anxiety is considered as a common response to stress or tension and can be advantageous in certain circumstances. These reactions help us to get prepared for a situation that needs attention. Anxiety disorders are not similar to other feelings like nervousness or anxiousness, and engage in extreme fearfulness or anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most frequent form of mental issues and it is estimated that it affects about 30% of adults at some point in their lives.

Types of Anxiety disorders

  • Generalised anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Phobias
  • Agoraphobia
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Separation anxiety disorder
Consultant Dr Bhawana

Common signs and symptoms of Anxiety:

  • Feel of nervousness, restlessness and tense all the time
  • Sensation of impending threat, panic or disaster
  • Palpitation or increased heart beat.
  • Heavy breathing also known as hyperventilation
  • Cold sweating
  • Tremulous
  • Feeling weak or tired all the time
  • difficulty in concentrating
  • Over thinking
  • Troubled sleep or insomnia
  • Suffering from indigestion
  • Difficulty in handling stressful situations
  • Delaying anxiety triggering situations

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    Nidanam Homeopathy DSS 143, Sector 11, Near Geeta mandir, Panchkula 134112