Our Services

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder or previously known as manic disorder is a condition of mental health condition in which there is extreme swing in moods of an individual. Sometimes the individual may appear totally different from his personality.

  • Extreme stressful conditions
  • Devastating problems
  • Life-changing events that emotionally distresses
  • Genetic and other chemical factors
Consultant Dr Bhawana

Symptoms of Bipolar disorder

  • Impaired opinion
  • Feeing anxious all the time
  • Less Sleep
  • Feel of boredom
  • Avoid going to work or school
  • Poor academic record
  • Worthlessness
  • Socially active but with aggression
  • Involved in risky attitude.
  • Augmented libido or sexual activity
  • Feeling overjoyed or over excited
  • High levels of self esteemed or self confident or superiority complex.
  • Speaking and talking fast
  • Breaking conversation with multiple inter related topics.
  • Frequently changing ideas that the person may act upon
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Over eating or eating very less
  • Not able to feel joyous in recreational activities or interests that generally gives contentment
  • Over sensitive to noises and sounds
  • Over sensitive to smells and tastes.

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    Nidanam Homeopathy DSS 143, Sector 11, Near Geeta mandir, Panchkula 134112